
matrixx apple

Thursday, 30 September 2010
Dylan Cole
Layers: The ground, the hills, the tower, the volcano, the sky (the clouds)
Colours/Shades: Uses of darks Greys, blacks and whites to create most of the rocky areas and very vibrate orange for the volcano and the Eye of Mordor to give the gloom a glow
Contrast: The contrast of the picture is very gloomy without the orange from the Eye and Volcano gives the scenery a evil glare. This scenery looks 3D because of the depth it goes back (looks like miles of scenery)
George Grier
George Grier
Layers: This picture was built on three different layers the chess board and statues, the second layer was built up behind the main part of the picture the third layer was built up by the floating face on the chess board.
Colours: He's mainly used dark colours for the first and second layers but for the main part he's added in some yellow, blue, red and orange
Contrast: The contrast to this picture really caught my eye to used this picture as my research because it's very well put together. To me it looks like he's used a 3D effect on this picture to make it look more interesting
Tuesday, 28 September 2010
research on comics
references site http://www.phdcomics.com/comics.php?f=967
Artist Research: http://leighgallagherart.blogspot.com/ Leigh Gallaghe
Allen Moore creator of watchmen
http://www.comicrelated.com/gallery.html http://www.comicrelated.com/
Artist Research: http://leighgallagherart.blogspot.com/ Leigh Gallaghe
Allen Moore creator of watchmen
http://www.comicrelated.com/gallery.html http://www.comicrelated.com/
My Artist Research for Comics
Watchmen Comic creator written by Allen Moore, Artist Dave Gibbons, Colourist John Higgins these guys are created a the best comics I ever read in my childhood the best DC comic The Watchmen series by Alan Moore and Dave Gibbons can easily be argued as one of the most influential limited series in comic history. This one twelve issue series reinvented the way the public looked at the modern comic and opened a world of narrative options for future series. Published over twelve months, the series was released in 1986 and ended in 1987. Breaking ground for its serious literary consideration, Watchmen looked at an alternate United States standing on the brink of Nuclear War. Watchmen presented super-heroes as real people confronted with a mix of social, personal and ethical issues rarely depicted in comics. A classic by any standard and a pivotal series in comic history.
V for Vendetta Gallery
Written by Alan Moore and illustrated by David Lloyd, V for Vendetta tells the tale of an anarchist bent on the destruction of a near future British government just following a limited nuclear war. The story was originally published in black and white between 1982 and 1985 for the British anthology comic Warrior though it wasn't completely told at that time due to the cancellation of the title. The series made its way to the US market just after the tremendous success of the Watchmen series under DC Comics' Vertigo imprint. V for Vendetta ran as a ten issue limited series in 1988 and quickly became a comic cult classic.
Wolverine Limited Series Gallery
This series holds a special place for this comic fan. The limited series forever changed the way my father looked at comics and for that I am forever grateful. He read these four issues and never looked at comics as "funny books" ever again. This classic Marvel limited series was Wolverine's first solo series and saw print between toward the end of 1982. Chris Claremont penned this classic series with Frank Miller on art setting a look and tone for Wolverine that would propel this character to near legend status. An outstanding limited series containing not to be missed art and outstanding storytelling.
Green Lantern: Rebirth Gallery
Rarely do you know going into a series that it's about to reintroduce a classic character and reinvigorate a long running storyline at the exact moment when it's needed the most. Jeoff John’s reintroduction of Hal Jordan was just such a moment and you could see it coming from the first few pages of issue #1. Ethan Van Sciver's art was amazing and the series stood out from an already exceptional crowd of titles in late 2004 and early 2005. It's one of those great stories that takes a lot of loose pieces of lantern lore and blends them back together into a new, ultimately better mosaic. Green Lantern fans everywhere knew this was the right story in the right hands
Sin City: A Dame To Kill For
There was a time (and no one yet says that time is done) that Frank Miller settled into a small town called Sin City and made a home many readers enjoyed visiting. Steeped in film noir style and featuring intertwining stories cantered around Basin City, a fictional town in the located somewhere outside Seattle, Washington, Miller handed us Sin City. A Dame To Kill For is the second Sin City tale and the first to be featured outside Dark Horse Presents. Rumored as the heart of Sin City 2, we thought it was a great run to kick off our series galleries.
Night crawler Series Gallery
Kurt Wagner aka Night crawler is a long-time member of the X-Men. That said, he actually started life as a character targeted for DC's Legion of Super-Heroes. Created by Len Wein and Dave Cockrum and first appearing in the now legendary Giant-Size X-Men #1 back in May, 1975, Night crawler was a German mutant possessing the ability to teleport. Over the years Night crawler has proven himself both a swashbuckler and solid cornerstone of the Marvel mutant community. Cursed with the look of a demon, Night crawler harbours a core of nobility and compassion at times unequalled in comics.
Marvel Comics Jungle Action
Black Panther featured from #5
Black Panther featured from #5
The series covered in this gallery is actually the second Jungle Action series. The first was produced under Atlas Comics in 1954. The series we're covering kicked off the Black Panther with issue #5 and saw its start in October 1972. The series served as the Black Panther's first starring series and was written by Don McGregor with art by Rich Buckler, Gil Kane and Billy Graham. This series pioneered the self-contained, multi-issue story arc concept. Comics legend Jack Kirby would next take up the Black Panther with a self titled series in 1977.
This is the research I have done for the comic book. i have chosen to look at mainly ones from the 60's to the 90's nothing modern.
my evaluation
My Evaluation
I started researching different types of jelly fish on Google, and I found the perfect two jelly fish one with a pink glow and orange glow, I have also used a orange lightning bolt, Then used hue and saturation to change the bottom of the picture to create the darken water, Also used adjustments on the jelly fish to make them darker and lighter. Made the bottom of the background using liquify to create a the water effect i used the glass effect so the lightning looks more distorted.
I have selective the bottom of the background and create a slanted image of the lightning bolt to make it look like darken water around the sides and lighter water by the jelly fish. I adjusted my jelly fish to make them look free flowing and rotated them in to different areas so they aren’t so crowded together, after doing this I also went Google to teach myself how to use the dodge tool I found it easier to do than copying from the main screen when someone else is showing me how to do it, I then did something with the background but at the top by the orange lightning bolt I used the airbrush to create some stars to make it look like night time then I added in some light blue in the middle of the stars to give them more effect and the same again with a really pale yellow.
I really have progressed better than I thought for this final piece I have put all my effect into making it, I know I can do better, But I haven’t built up enough skills to be a master at Photoshop,
- Concept:
- Influences:
- Other’s Work:
- Colour: dark/light blue (for the contrast, shading of different blues in the water), dark/light greens (to help with the blue stand out a bit more) , dark/light purple(to help out with the lighter greens and blues to makes them more effective and outstanding), dark/light yellow (for the sun beaming down into the water on the object or objects),
- Format selected and why
- 300 words
Monday, 27 September 2010
added in stars
Used the print brush tool made it to 15 to put dots (stars) then made a smaller brush to add in some very light blue into the stars to give them the starry effect that they will need to create the perfect night sky.
jelly fish sorting out
I have use liquify to edit my jelly fish to make them a lot of free flowing under the water,
I also used transform to rotate the jelly fish to make them look more effective in my final piece,
I have finally positioned my jelly fish the correct area to make them look more unique to their species,
I also used transform to rotate the jelly fish to make them look more effective in my final piece,
I have finally positioned my jelly fish the correct area to make them look more unique to their species,
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